In September, members of the proEVLifeCycle consortium attended The Norwegian Cancer Symposium in Oslo. This was the 8th in the bi-annual series of meetings organized by the Institute for Cancer [...]
We are incredibly excited to announce the 4th proEVLifeCycle meeting from 2 to 5 November 2021 FINALLY FACE-TO-FACE, taking place in the beautiful city of Cardiff in the UK! We will discuss our [...]
Single-vesicle imaging and analysis methodologies focus attention towards extracellular vesicles research. Recent advances in the single-vesicle analysis have facilitated their application in [...]
We are excited to announce that our third proEVLifeCycle Network Meeting is coming up! The meeting will be held virtually on 10 May – 11 May 2021. Both days are featuring interactive training [...]
We are excited to announce that our second proEVLifeCycle Virtual Meeting will take place on 14 October -16 October 2020. The three days are packed with presentations by the PhD students and [...]
The date and location for our kick-0ff meeting have been set. On 30 March – 1 April 2020, all supervisors and PhD students will meet at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Our [...]
GenomeScan has been granted two Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions within the Innovative Training Network calls of the European Union-funded Horizon 2020 Program. The first grant applies to the study [...]
Happy to announce that our MSCA European Training Network proEVLifeCycle has opened the recruitment for its 10 PhD projects on extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer. This network is [...]